Friday, November 30, 2012

My Free Write!

Here is my free write for E.L.A. class. Enjoy!

What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?

           I go outside one day, and find my cows bathing in a huge lake of root beer. That's definitely not strange. "Whoa," I say. I go back inside the barn and get a cup. I go back outside to the edge of the lake. I fill the cup with the liquidy soda and take a sip, but I spit it back out because it tastes like cow sweat. I go wake up my parents and show them the amazing scene. My mom says, "Is that soda?" My dad says, "Soda... Is... That...?" Then they go into the shed and pull out a boat. They sail all across the lake, hauling the cows out. How did this happen? Then it hits me. The cows did it! Just to make sure, I take one of the utters and squeeze it. Fizzy liquid comes out and sizzles on the grass. I'll never be thirsty again! This is awesome!
           My friend, Connor, comes over that day to see the lake of root beer. "How did this happen?" He cried in surprise. "Somehow, these cows can spurt root beer from their utters," I say. "Well, lets go explore!" he says. "Okay," I say, "But we have to go by boat, it's too fizzy to go swimming and we could burn." So we take out and old canoe and start exploring.
           It's not much, just a bunch of soda everywhere, but then, one of the cows goes, "MMMMOOOOOOO!" We're startled and Connor accidentally falls into the root beer. I can hear it sizzling as he splashes into it. "Help me! I'm burning!" he screams. I'm frantic. I don't know what to do. Without thinking, I plunge into the root beer and try swimming toward him, but the burning pain stops me, and I start squirming. I look around, but I don't see Connor anywhere. Then, my skin starts burning off, and I can see bones where my feet should be. I sink into the root beer, falling deeper and deeper until I hit the bottom.


Thursday, November 29, 2012