Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I Have a Dream...

           My fellow classmates, let me ask you a question. How often do you see bullying? Probably more than you think. You see, there's more to bullying than just punching someone in the face. People take others' lunch money, which is basically saying that people take away others' right to eat. There's insulting and teasing. This form of bullying is the worst. If you punch someone, the pain will eventually fade, but to insult someone or call someone names, that looms over them like a shadow. It will never go away. You can try to forget about it, but it will always be there. The meanest thing someone can do is to post something bad about another person online, for the whole world to see. Many helpless victims commit suicide because of this act of shame.
           If someone is not acting the same way, or didn't do so well on a test, don't immediately blame them for not studying. Believe it or not, bullying can affect your schoolwork, too. A child can think about a bully after school, when it's their official "beating time" and worry about it the whole day. A bully may affect someone's whole life, turning them into a scared person when they grow up, or a troubled person that doesn't even know what they're doing, and they just randomly shoot someone, like the shooting last week in Connecticut.
           I have a dream, a vision, that there would be no bullying at all in any schools, anywhere. There are no bleeding children, no one clutching their stomachs and groaning. No one crying until their eyes are purple. No one being scared of anyone. No one exchanging lunch money for a break of getting beaten up. No one hiding in the bathrooms from anyone. Not even the slightest trash talk from people. Now, my friends, let me ask you again. How often do YOU see bullying? What can you do?

1 comment:

  1. You did a good job on explaining your views on bullying. I agree that taking away someone's lunch money is like taking away their right to eat. To answer your question "How often do you see bullying?" In regards to school, I don't see it very often, but that doesn't mean it is not a significant problem. I think the most common type of bullying is most likely kids teasing other kids, or making fun of them. What people can do when they see bullying is be supportive to the person who was bullied, and report the bullying to the right people at school.
